Welcome to a new week of the July challenge. If you haven't jumped in, today is the time to start. We have a new meal plan that coincides with the challenge, and it features delicious and high protein recipes. Working out and not losing weight is very frustrating. Fitness contributor Stephanie Mansour talks about 16 reasons this may be happening and how to solve it. Lastly, if you love baking, then you need to see a dietitian's top pick for healthiest type of flour. |
Today's workout is Routine 2. It is totally normal to feel frustrated or worried if you're working out but not losing weight, but there are many factors that contribute to weight gain and loss. The disappointment can cause people to give up entirely — or to switch strategies before they've given their workout plan enough time. Weight loss takes patience and you are more likely to maintain it if you lose weight in a slow, steady way. It's important to understand the many factors that go into weight loss and keep the numbers on the scale in perspective. See 16 reasons you may not be losing weight, despite working out. |
Making Space for Mindfulness |
Summer means more opportunities for outdoor fun. Pediatric ER doctors share some of the riskiest activities and how parents can keep kids safe. |
Real ways to make a difference in your life, one small thing at a time. |
What is the healthiest flour to cook with? A dietitian shares her No. 1 pick | All-purpose, enriched wheat and organic wheat are popular cooking and baking flours, but they're all refined flour products. So, while tasty, these flours may be associated with certain health risks. You can still bake and cook with refined flours at times, but there are healthy flours out there, and they're easy to find at major grocery stores or online. Here are some of the healthiest flours to add to your pantry. See the 5 healthiest flours, according to dietitians. |
| Stay cool this summer with these expert-picked warm weather beauty and fashion products that feature skorts, Color Wow Dream Coat and more. |
| The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is banning the use of a food additive known as brominated vegetable oil after the agency concluded that it is no longer safe to consume. |
| A new study shows that people taking semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, are more likely to develop an optic nerve issue that can lead to sudden vision loss that has no known treatment. Researchers stressed that more studies are needed to confirm the link between the medication and vision problems. |
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