Peloton instructor Tunde Oyeneyin was 15 years old and weighed more than 200 pounds when she made a decision that would change her life.
"I decided I was going to stop allowing fear to hold me hostage," she says. "The reason that we don't do any one thing, whether it's lifting weights, talking to a guy first at a bar or interviewing for the job of our dreams, is because we're scared to try and look foolish. I decided I would rather look foolish than not try."
Look where Oyeneyin is today.
When Oyeneyin is asked to share advice for those embarking on a wellness journey, she draws from her mantra, "Your mind is your strongest muscle."
"We prioritize the food and eating part. But you also need to train your mind — the way you think about yourself, the way you feel about yourself," she says. "Otherwise, you won't be able to appreciate the changes in your body. You won't see them. Everything starts with the mind."