|  | Food | |
 | Master savory baked oysters, seafood spaghetti and Frogmore stew | Restaurateurs from Charleston, South Carolina's bustling culinary scene share their favorite shellfish recipes. | | | | |  | 4 sweet and savory recipes featuring maple syrup | Jocelyn Delk Adams and Alejandra Ramos use maple syrup in sweet and savory recipes for steak salad, butternut squash, blondies and bundt cake. | | | | | | |
 | Starbucks teams up with Ariana Grande for its most heavenly drink | The coffee chain and the superstar singer are exciting fans with some very cloudy tweets. | | | | |  | There's something pretty fishy about Chick-fil-A's new sandwich | Lent begins Wednesday, March 6, and even if you're abstaining from chicken, Chick-fil-A wants to be your go-to fast food spot. | | | | | | |
 | Spice up shrimp with the spicy, bold flavors of New Orleans cuisine | Serve up New Orleans-style spicy shrimp with toasty French bread for dinner. | | | | |  | 5 determined women defy stereotypes by starting their own barbecue team | After working behind-the-scenes as their husbands compete in barbecue competitions, Christian Jackson and Delaniah Bringle are ready to step into the spotlight to show off their smoking skills with teammates Terri Henning, Teresa Smithmyer and Julie Modlik. | | | | | | |
Related | Mardi Gras recipes: Isaac Toups' fried chicken sliders Watch Now | Is social media making kids eat poorly? Watch Now | TODAY Food is on Facebook! Read More | | | | | |
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