Words convey strong feelings.Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
News that you receive today may irritate you, and you may express your ideas without much forethought. Reflecting on what you feel may allow you to make an impassioned plea for what you desire, not only for yourself but for those close to you as well. You can articulate the wishes of your family or of your inner circle. Arguments are possible, especially when you are defensive. You tend to find words as an effective means to communicate strong feelings.
Love forecast
It is a good time to talk over insistent needs since you are more aware of the trigger points in your emotional life. Thinking about angry responses before acting upon them can help to defuse them. Sometimes the heat is so strong that you must speak your mind, and words now are often the effect of a passing mood that can rise and fall quickly. Passionate feelings get communicated.
Money forecast Your dealings now tend to bring out a strong response in you, especially when there is something personal involved. It is difficult to be objective in any of your transactions, and communications often have an edge to them that can interfere with a smooth give and take. Negotiations often are a struggle to maintain since feelings get hurt easily.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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