I am as free as I am within my own self.
Hegel Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
You are more independent than usual, or circumstances can force you to demonstrate greater freedom. You sometimes experience a sudden change of heart during this time that can propel you to move in a different direction, especially if your old ways no longer have the same influence. Unusual events often prove unsettling, and surprises wake you up. Seeking the truth about yourself can bring clarity.
Love forecast
The urge for greater freedom may surface now, as you may find certain friendships too confining. Selfish concerns may override the best interests of the group, which may cause disagreements. You may find it difficult to reason or be reasonable. Circumstances may force you to separate from others for unexpected reasons, as your life may lack consistency. If you can embrace change, you may experience this as an exhilarating time to explore unknown aspects of your relationships. Someone may cause you to change now, which can result in an involvement different from any in your past.
Money forecast If you prefer the established order of your business, you may experience stress during this time period, as new possibilities tend to challenge you to change directions in your work. You may promote unusual and even radical solutions to problems that can offend others. If you see your work as confining, you likely find it unbearable now, and you may seek a career change. Be wary of being too certain of your position in any dealings, as you may lack the vision to anticipate the inevitable changes. If you remain flexible, you can succeed in surprising ways.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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