Powerful connections bring pleasure.Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Pleasure comes from feeling deeply especially about what you value most. Your preferences are stronger than usual, and you attract intense situations and people into your life now. Sometimes it is easier to give in to those whom you see as more powerful. You enjoy interacting on a deep level with those closest to you, and your involvement with someone or something that you love can produce a profound effect.
Love forecast
Pleasure is in the passion, and you can really enjoy feeling the intensity that comes when love is turned all the way on. Your powers of attraction are strong now which means that you draw a wide range of people. Relating to someone is usually intense, and experiences are very sensuous. Love is in having a partner who is not afraid to take you to the limit.
Money forecast By impressing those who have influence, you can enter into alliances that can mean substantial financial benefit. Agreements, to work effectively, often require bringing together parties that are at odds. Sometimes extreme positions can jeopardize the harmony of a partnership so that differences become irreconcilable, at least for the moment.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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