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 | How to find the best hair rollers and curlers for every hair type | There are many types of rollers, both non-heated and heated. They all vary in length and width -- a wide diameter gives a full, smooth curl, while a thin roller gives a tight, spiral-type curl. When using non-heated rollers, set your hair before taking a shower: The steam will help set the curls for a long lasting style. And never wind rollers too tightly, or you could end up with hair loss. | | | |
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 | ModCloth features employees of all sizes in latest swimsuit ad campaign | The women posing in swimsuits in ModCloth's latest ad campaign aren't your typical models. In fact, they're not even (professional) models at all. They're employees of the online fashion retailer, which has been outspoken against heavily Photoshopped magazine spreads and ad campaigns that portray unrealistic body proportions for years. Remember the thigh gap controversy? | | |
|  | Living the curly life: What curly girls know about living with 'the beast' | Hair is so much more than a simple matter of fashion. It defines us, it exposes us and tells our story of who we are and who we want to be.I started my comic blog Tall N Curly to tell my story and by doing so, I realized I was telling the story of so many other women. Women who, just like me, want and need to be reminded that it's OK, fun and special to be different and own who they are. | | |
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LATEST NEWS | Want a chance to win a special prize? Enter KLG and Hoda's Give It Away sweepstakes! Read More > | Stay inside! Whip up these comfort foods using what's in your pantry Read More > | Why Cindy Crawford's unretouched photo 'only makes us love her more' Read More > | Stolen valor: Fake soldiers pretend to be war heroes for popularity and profit Read More > | |
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