| Stress, weight and a host of other medical conditions can affect fertility. Here's what to know. | | | | Many health conditions can impede your ability to get pregnant—and you won't know if yours does until you see your doctor. The good news is that many conditions can also be successfully managed by meds and other treatments so you can conceive and deliver a perfectly healthy baby. Get Pregnant Faster Tip Relax! Although the link between stress and infertility is still somewhat fuzzy, more and more doctors are encouraging patients to relax if they want to make a baby. A 2000 study reported that out of 120 women who were trying to get pregnant, more than half of those undergoing stress-busting therapies—55 percent of those participating in a mind-body approach and 54 percent of those who took part in a support group—actually ended up getting pregnant within a year, compared with 20 percent of those who did not receive intervention. | | | | | | | | | Trying to Conceive? | Whether you're waiting to ovulate or ready to take a pregnancy test, connect with other women who know how you feel on the iVillage Trying to Conceive Message Boards.
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