Here is a rather remarkable day and -- in some ways -- akin to June 7 when Neptune stopped its forward motion and many other alignments made earthly life tougher than normal. Now the eccentric and iconoclastic planet Uranus at 13 degrees of Aries (10:21AM PDT) makes a station and shifts gears from direct to reverse -- although, in reality, Uranus has virtually no motion all-day and during the next couple of days. All Uranus themes -- revolution, rebellion and radical-change, future shock, scientific discoveries, breakthroughs, intuition and higher mind, metaphysics, the multi-media, technology and computers, the nervous system, anxiety, breakdowns, the unpredictable -- are emphasized around the clock. Expecting the Unexpected should be your motto. However, once you add on Vesta square Saturn (1:18AM PDT) and 150-degrees to Neptune (5:24AM PDT) -- along with an abrasive, 135-degree contact from Venus to Pluto (11:46PM PDT) -- it becomes harder to cope with the endless stream of strange vibrations coming in from left field. What can provide higher revelations across the board is a developing Grand Trine or Triangle at 5 degrees of the three water signs as Jupiter trines Saturn (10:33AM PDT) and Neptune (5:15PM PDT). This certainly deserves a wow-mention since humanity is already facing the height of Uranian joker-like conditions while also trying to juggle around the three deeply discordant aspects involving Vesta-Saturn, Vesta-Neptune and Venus-Pluto sky patterns. Think of this more as a day to sharpen your wits and make inroads on the exalted spiritual path in life rather than trying to make a fortune via investments and business plans that can fall short of your hopes.