Hey there developer As February comes to a close, we end the month of romantic love and move on to a love that captures the nation. We are referring to the start of the T20 Cricket, of course! And one thing we know for sure- txtWebbers LOVE cricket. So, what can you do to make txtWeb their go-to app platform? Think more than just live scores and cricket stats, this T20 tournament, give cricket fans something to cheer about on txtWeb! What's in it for you? Well, other than honing your developing skills and becoming a well-known txtWeb developer, you will stand a chance to be become a winner in not one but two txtWeb developer contests: Absolutely Apptastic – where you can win upto 50,000 a month. & Developer of the month- where we honour one developer each month and award him/her with a Gift Voucher worth INR 1500. So who are awarding this month?  In the Absolutely Apptastic Contest: Arun Kumar P A wins a Gift Voucher worth INR 2500 for his home fix-it app @RightHand Santhosh wins a Gift Voucher worth INR 500 for his app @FreeMal Developer of the month goes to netranandbhoi for his app @LoveForever  Are you a new txtWeb developer? Do you want to make it big in the world of app developing? Check out our 4 tips for beginner developers! Until next time. Happy txtWebbing! Best regards Team txtWeb |