Your compassion and idealism are apparent today.Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Allowing yourself to dream and to be open requires a less rigid schedule as you do better with a minimum of obligations. You are easily influenced, and you can be susceptible to grandiose plans and speculative ventures. You show generosity to those around you, and you tend to overlook trivial details. Sometimes you may overreact as things can easily get out of proportion.
Love forecast
Trust is at the heart of things today, and you tend to yield to whatever has the most influence. Limits are transparent, and fantasies sometimes are all consuming. You show a generosity that is appealing to others, and you can give a lot. Sometimes you don~t know when to stop, and it is difficult for you to draw the line. It is easy to identify with the illusion of someone rather than the reality.
Money forecast A tendency for speculation is prevalent today, and you are more open to the possibilities for gain (and loss) that are around you. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish a real opportunity from an apparent one. You do best when being generous to those around you and trusting that, no matter what~s involved, work will provide a profitable and learning experience.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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