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 | The 5 easiest potluck dishes you'll ever make. Thanks, slow cooker! | We love potlucks, and not just because there's usually a party involved. Seriously, what could be better than trying a bunch of delicious dishes — that you don't have to cook? Plus, we have the secret to making potlucks even more enjoyable: Let your slow cooker do most of the work for the dish you make. That's our favorite kind of low-effort, high-reward fun. 1. | | | |
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 | What's the deal with superfoods? Here's how to get your fix | Everyone throws around the term "superfood," but what does it actually mean? Here, chef Todd Fisherof Tarpy's Roadhouse in Monterey, California, tells us why we should eat a few of these superfoods, and shares recipes that will help you get them on the table. | | |
|  | The stress-free way to peel hard boiled eggs | Deviling eggs can be a hellish experience if you can't easily peel hard boiled eggs. We've all been there – frustrated when we get chips of eggshell under our nails, digging in until our egg looks as traumatized as we feel.Our resident food hacks expert Katie Quinn is here to the rescue, showing us a fool-proof method for peeling eggs like a pro. | | |
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LATEST NEWS | Ellen pranks Matt — again! It seems revenge is a dish best served naked Read More > | Russell Crowe: Michael Jackson used to prank call me, tell terrible jokes Read More > | 'My best friend': Daughters remember Ellen Brody, SUV driver killed in Metro-North crash Read More > | Who is God today? Why these religious leaders say modern faith is 'about love' Read More > | |
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