There is no real freedom without the freedom to fail.
Eric Hoffer Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Less tolerant of restrictions, you often surprise others-and yourself-in what you do. Outcomes are unpredictable, and unforeseen events can set you in a new direction. Being free to do something uncommon keeps you sharp, and actions may involve taking risks that excite as well as agitate you. Because you react so suddenly, you are prone to fluctuating desires. This is a good time to initiate a change in your life-especially if it encourages self-determination rather than dependence.
Love forecast
Being with someone, you tend to respond out of character, or at least you show a side of yourself that is willing to do things out of the ordinary. You excite easily, especially when a partner surprises you with what you want. You sometimes seek greater freedom in a relationship as you are more independent than usual. Time apart can occur unless both of you are up for something new together.
Money forecast Unexpected problems or changes may emerge at work during this time. You can demonstrate an uncompromising will, if you need to get your point across. Circumstances sometimes leave you little room to maneuver, causing you stress. Confining situations at work may prompt you to assert yourself. This generally is a good time to begin a new direction in your business, as taking risks may appeal to you. Try to initiate risk proactively rather than reactively.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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