I hope there is no one else like me.
Jane Fonda Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Doing things differently means stepping outside your normal routine so that you can discover something new. Independence calls you and allows you to show what makes you special. In expressing your unique qualities, you have the opportunity to see yourself very clearly. You should feel refreshed and revitalized today when pursuing the extraordinary rather than the ordinary.
Love forecast
You are up for anything and the more unusual, the better. You don~t like being confined, and expressing your independence makes your day. Being with people who are different from your regular companions adds excitement, while surprising others and being surprised is fun. If your life with someone feels stuck in any way, you can use this time to change that. You can see an old relationship from a fresh perspective.
Money forecast Creative solutions to seemingly intractable problems can appear now, if you allow them. This generally is a good day to present something new or to work on a different tactic than usual. You tend to incorporate change easily in the workplace, and technology may present opportunities.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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