You see all sides of an issue.Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
You demonstrate greater flexibility in your thinking, and no idea is too big. Strange conversations can occur today, and flights of fantasy make it difficult to stay grounded. You are more sensitive to what others say because your imagination is active. Although your intuition is strong, deception is possible due to carelessness and being blind to the obvious.
Love forecast
Keeping your options open means it is difficult to make commitments now, and the connections you do make are often tenuous and sometimes disappointing. Being less judgmental in your thinking, you can let go of the attachment to certain ideas about others. You show more imagination in what you do and what you say, and you identify with your fantasies.
Money forecast What is said and what is meant don~t always concur which can make doing business more problematic now than usual. You can be evasive and hard to pin down on any commitment since your preference is having a range of options rather than limited to one. Successful transactions depend on an honest appraisal of the facts. Otherwise, there is too much room for miscalculation.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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