| | | | | | | | | |  | | Hi Joyanta! Here is your Daily Love Tarot Card for Sunday, December 1 |  |  |  |  The Three of Pentacles card reversed suggests that your relationship might benefit from assistance or a reality check, particularly if one of you is demanding and the other is struggling to provide. Both of you may need to pull together or go back to the drawing board to overcome a financial deficit, trust issues or lack of motivation. On the other hand, it could be a third person, overwork, or the lack of planning or money that interferes with the enjoyment of genuine physical intimacy and security. The blueprints for making it work are available to you -- resolve to follow them and you can dig yourself out. Once you do, you'll find an almost spiritual quality to what you do and how you live. Then all you touch will be beautiful, intentional and productive. |
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