A mom shares what happened when she had her kids take a break from sports and extracurricular activities for a year. Plus, how the Start TODAY app can help you reach your health goals this year, strategies to combat the winter blues and whether the trendy Oura Ring is worth buying. |
The Trump administration is ordering all federal employees in diversity, equity and inclusion roles placed on paid leave by tonight, according to a new memo from the Office of Personnel Management. The agencies are preparing to close all DEI-related offices and programs, and the administration has asked federal agencies to submit a written plan by Jan. 31 for dismissing the employees. |
Anna Rollins, an author and mother of three, shared what happened after she and her husband decided their two sons were going to take a year off from sports following the birth of their daughter. While they thrived outside of a calendar packed with games and practices, it also created some anxieties. "Frankly, sometimes I felt like a bad mom," Rollins wrote in an essay for TODAY.com. |
Feeling overwhelmed trying to plan out meals and decided on an exercise regimen to achieve your health goals in 2025? The new Start TODAY app can help simplify all of that with dietitian-approved meal plans, fitness challenges tailored to your goals and daily inspiration from Al Roker and more! Here's all you need to know. |
Budget-friendly deals, gift guides and more from Shop TODAY. |
The trendy gadget can be used for sleep, stress and exercise tracking – but why is it so popular? Our editors did a deep dive on the high-tech device. |
Achieve your life and health goals with easy tips. |
The third Monday in January is often known as Blue Monday, a time on the calendar when people find themselves in a seasonal funk. We have expert advice for snapping out of a post-holiday slump and shaking off disappointment over unfulfilled resolutions or a bad case of the winter blues. |
Allow us to do the meal-planning for you |
Not sure what to cook this week? Try making easy recipes like barbecue chicken pizza, sheet-pan chicken shawarma, eggplant Parmesan sandwiches or falafel bites. |
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