Got 11 minutes? That modest amount of daily pulse-raising exercise is enough to reduce the risk of premature death and various diseases, a new review of studies has found.
If you feel like you've heard this before, well, that's because this study confirms what research has been saying for decades. In fact, the findings from this particular study are based on a review and meta-analysis of 196 studies covering more than 30 million participants.
What researchers found was that one in 10 premature deaths could be prevented if everyone did just 11 minutes of exercise a day. It was enough to reduce the risk of developing heart disease by 17% and cancer by 7%, and came with a 23% lower risk of premature death.
11 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a day adds up to about 75 minutes a week. In case you're wondering what "counts," anything that makes your heart beat faster but isn't so intense that it leaves you breathless is considered moderate-intensity physical activity.
Basically, you don't have to spend your whole weekend in the gym to make a difference in your health. An 11-minute brisk walk, dance around your kitchen, bike ride or hike will help!