Take this lighthearted tip from Steph!

Welcome to the November walking challenge! Start TODAY is a community of almost 150,000 members across the country who are all committed to getting healthy — together! We're so glad you're here. |
It's amazing when you reach your goals, and the reality is that there are some days that it's just not going to happen. Maybe you got sick, your car broke down on the way to the gym or you just plain forgot about working out. Sometimes, the reason isn't obvious, and you may not be able to figure it out at all. As long as you don't "forget" all the time, it's no big deal. So, whatever the reason — or lack thereof — try not to take it too seriously. Using my "so what!" strategy has helped me personally get out of my head and into the present moment. Instead of going round and round wondering why I didn't feel as energized or walk as quickly as I usually do or wondering why the strength training that seemed so easy a few days ago felt daunting today, I say, "So what!" These thoughts can drive me nuts! Instead, I just clap my hands together, say, "so what!" and move on with my day. Every day is different. Our bodies aren't the exact same day in and day out. Stress, food, how well we slept, mood and so many other factors play into the fact that every day is not exactly the same as the previous one. If someone you loved told you they didn't meet their daily pushup quota or something, you would likely shrug and encourage them to brush it off. Let's greet ourselves with the same generosity that we would show others! See you walking, Steph |
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