|  | Parents | |
 | Dad who changed daughter's diaper on men's room floor sparks discussion | A dad who shared a photo of his baby daughter undergoing a diaper change on the floor of a public restroom has sparked plenty of discussion online. TODAY's Carson Daly reports from the Orange Room. | | | | |  | 'Brave': Anthony Bourdain's ex shares pic and message about 'our little girl' | Anthony Bourdain's daughter, Ariane, stepped into the spotlight days after his death — and she brought a reminder of the chef, author and world traveler with her. | | | | | | |
 | What I wish you knew about suicide, from a heartbroken mom | I keep coming back to one warning sign, one that is so obvious now. I don't know how I didn't see it. | | | | |  | Tacky or brilliant? Why 'fiver' birthday parties are catching on | Is it OK to ask your child's party guests to contribute money toward a larger gift rather than bring presents? Parents who hold fiver parties say 'yes.' | | | | | | |
 | 8 cool gadgets every dad will love this Father's Day | Shop these great gets for dads and grads! | | | | |  | Tell the TODAY Parenting Team about your dad hero! | Maybe your dad hero is your own father, the father of your children or an important father figure in your life. Here's a chance to explain just how special he is. | | | | | | |
Related | 18 picture books for new dads on Father's Day Read More | 29 of the most unique gift ideas for awesome grandpas Read More | TODAY Parents is on Facebook! Read More | | | | | |
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