The shortest answer sometimes is to do it.
Anonymous Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Willing to fight for your concerns, you are unafraid of a challenge. In fact, you can provoke others by a refusal to back down. You demonstrate courage under fire. By focusing your will on a specific objective, you can push yourself far-otherwise you may just come across as pushy. If by nature you resist confrontation, you may be motivated now to stand up and be counted.
Love forecast
Passions are strong, and you can experience more heat than usual in your interactions. Whomever you are involved with today takes a secondary position to what you want. If not, there can be disagreements over who is on top. Sometimes there is greater competitiveness between you and a partner which can lead to disputes but also can increase physical desire. Pursuing what you want doesn't mean that you will get it, but you are ready for action.
Money forecast You may act overzealously in pursuing your aims, which can create friction at work. Although you likely have increased stamina during this period, the demands of work may tax your energy, and increased stress may occur. Finding a specific task or objective in which to pour your energy can minimize the tendency to fight and enable you to back off from battling yourself and your associates.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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