Take what you can use and let the rest go by.
Ken Kesey Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Responsibilities have a way of making their presence acutely felt. To the extent that you have neglected them, this is a good time to face important obligations-you may have no choice. Conflicts sometimes arise with parents or those in charge. A commitment-or lack of one-may come under fire. You accomplish what you want when you are clear on the outcome you desire. Recognize what is a necessity, attend to it, and leave the rest for another day.
Love forecast
What someone wants from you makes you more cognizant of where you draw the line. A partner may help to clarify the responsibilities that are involved together, and the issue of commitment or its absence can come out in the open. You are more serious in how you respond to the advances of another, and you cannot be pushed into what you don~t desire or in fulfilling the wishes of someone. Your duty can be called upon, and this is a time to recognize what is and isn~t necessary to perform in order to keep a relationship steady.
Money forecast Associates at work may challenge you, especially your superiors. If you tend to deliberate, others can push you to move faster. If you rush to judgment, you generally pay a price from the opposition of others. Your work often demands much effort from you now, although results likely are difficult to achieve. Try to focus on the most pressing matter and disregard the rest, at least for now.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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