Tact is changing a conversation without changing your mind.
Spanish quote Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Being with someone gets you talking. Sometimes you say what a person wants to hear rather than what you think, and you may listen selectively to what people convey to you. It's easy to chitchat about-and with-others. Fun and lighthearted interactions punctuate the day; being serious really has no place now. Be wary of taking everything too lightly-you may inadvertently offer up something you don't mean. You create harmony by thinking of ways to please all parties concerned.
Love forecast
You want to share your thoughts with someone so that you can experience greater closeness. You love to hear flattering words, which sometimes makes you scheme to get appreciated. While you can perceive a partner as unresponsive, what you ask or how you ask it often is part of the problem. Listening to a friend~s needs and articulating your own results in better communication at this time.
Money forecast Difficulties in negotiations may surface today over details. You may have an analysis of a situation or a problem, but others disagree or wish to go a different way. Communication problems may occur in the workplace, especially over minor issues that may become larger problems if not addressed now. Speak up and encourage others to do the same.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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