Joy is even greater when it comes unexpected.
Theophile de Viau Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Because of its unpredictability, a social occasion offers excitement. Enjoyment appears where you least expect it. Being with others usually means doing something different-a welcome change from the routine. People appreciate your independence. By standing apart, you are more likely to attract those you wish to be near. Value the unique qualities that you-and life-have to offer. Today you are unlikely to settle for anything ordinary.
Love forecast
Unexpected pleasure with someone makes for an interesting day, and you like trying something new with others. You can rejuvenate a relationship by purposely changing your usual pattern of relating to each other. Surprising a friend with a gift or a show of appreciation creates a dynamic effect that is enjoyable.
Money forecast Agreements reached now usually are favorable, particularly if they promise a new direction or involve technology in some way. Transactions likely reward you, and their value may change suddenly. Associates can benefit you in unexpected ways. Today generally is a good day to present a new idea or concept, and it should receive a favorable response, if you have done your work beforehand.
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