There is always more spirit in attack than defense.
Livy Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
When driven to play a leading role, you show courage and decisiveness. Sometimes too impulsive for your own good, you often take action without consideration of the consequences. The harder you push, the more resistance you may encounter. If you seek satisfaction of your desires merely for personal gain, frustration is likely. Assert yourself in ways that fulfill deeper needs rather than immediate wants. Physical activity assists in burning off the excess energy.
Love forecast
When you know what you want, you are unafraid to go after it. Your desires are strong today, and you tend to seek out someone for purely physical satisfaction. Sometimes you come on too strong when you think only of yourself. At the same time, a partner~s advances may seem too direct and too selfish for your liking, causing anger. You are easily aroused and impatient to fulfill your wishes.
Money forecast If you tend to push, you likely push too hard during this period and meet with resistance. Work may seem frustrating now, especially if you force issues, and you often work harder. While you can accomplish much, you may find your stress level inordinately high. Confrontations with others may occur as egos tend to clash. Be wary of snap decisions and allow some time to back away before going forward.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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