Implicitly, there should be something mysterious in every day.
D.T. Suzuki Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Because you are more sensitive than usual, what you perceive now, whether favorable or unfavorable, will likely seem different shortly thereafter. You prefer escaping unwanted conditions to facing them, and you are readily influenced. Being honest can help dissolve issues that you may have trouble addressing or even understanding. Creating a world that you can retreat to can be a nice way to spend the time since you may lack enthusiasm for your normal routine.
Love forecast
This is a time when your sensitivity to a partner is heightened, and you respond to the slightest touch. Honesty in what is felt or not felt can help bring to light certain deceptions in a relationship. You are prone to fantasy now, and it is possible that no one measures up to what you imagine. At the same time, you can be indiscriminate in your choice of people who usually bring only momentary satisfaction. Being open with a trusted companion can make it safe to let your guard down.
Money forecast Meetings with associates may accomplish little at this time even if they appear otherwise. Be wary of being caught up in any new strategies or deals that cross your desk. Take some time to investigate anything that seems too good to be true. Misrepresentation by others or by you is a problem now. Demand the truth of yourself and those with whom you work to avoid confusion. You may want to wait awhile before formally agreeing to any new business arrangement.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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