| | | | | | | | | |  | |  |  | | Hi Joyanta! Here is your Daily Dream Decoder for Friday, October 18 |  | Holidays Holidays are interesting dream settings because they have so much meaning in our waking lives. They can be positive, as in instances of favored memories of family and traditions. They can also be traumatic, in terms of unmet expectations, loss, or absence of loved ones. How the holiday comes into the dream story is important. If the dreamer knows of the holiday all along, then others' perceptions and participation in the holiday are important to consider. However, sometimes everyone knows about the holiday except the dreamer. The dreamer may not be able to adequately prepare for or be able to participate in the holiday. This may reflect anxiety about the expectations of others and the willingness to fulfill those expectations. Sometimes we fall short because the expectations are inappropriate; not because we are incompetent. Either feeling or interpretation is an option. Do others seem prepared for, appropriately excited about, and connected to your understanding of the holiday? Are the gestures of celebration appropriate? Do you feel fulfilled, bemused, or empty after the dream?
 | | |  |  | | Got Questions? |  | Got Questions? Need Answers? Get insight into what lies ahead with a Free Psychic Reading. Call 800-648-9330 | The Goddess Within |  |  |  | Learn about your remarkable personal power -- from a woman's point of view -- and how to better own and express it! |  |  | | | Extreme Makeover |  |  |  | Truth is beauty! Embrace your gorgeous inner core to empower, transform or reinvent yourself with the guidance and revelations of this 'starting over' reading. |  |  | | | Body & Mind |  | Full Moon Eclipse: Peaceful Warrior Within |  |  |  | "The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be just you." -- Leo Buscaglia "Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." -- James Arthur Baldwin read more | try another free sample reading |  | | | | | | | | | | ADVERTISEMENT ;
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// ]]>
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