Hey there developer! We bring to a close another exciting month on the platform. We hope you and your family had a fantastic Diwali and that you spent the month creating those awesome apps. Here's a quick round up of everything that happened this month: Developer of the Month Goes to…  After much thought and deliberation, we are delighted to announce that Mahesh Kumar Meena wins developer of the month for his app @Grammarist that gives users, across the nation tips on how to improve their English. He wins a gift voucher worth 1500 INR for his efforts. Congratulations Mahesh! 5 Places to Learn to Code…For Free  Have you created many txtSites, Reminder and txtShuffle apps? Would you like to learn how to code your very own app and make a name for yourself in the developer community? Well, you're in luck! With the internet, you can learn to code online and you know the best part…it's free. Check out our blog for details Christmas and New Year's are coming. Time to build great apps  Here at txtWeb, we've found that apps that relate to a season or a festival attract a lot more users. So, with Christmas and New Year's Eve coming up, we recommend that you start building apps around the themes of wishes, fun, travel and shopping. You'll not only delight users but you will also stand a better chance winning under our Absolutely Apptastic contest. So what are you waiting for? Get developing. We hope you enjoyed this update, keep creating fabulous apps and let's have a super December. Happy txtWebbing! Best Regards Team txtWeb |