 | Want fab abs? Add chia seeds to your daily diet | TODAY nutritionist Joy Bauer, along with her fitness team, are helping people get in shape in our "6 Months to a 6 Pack Challenge." Ready to jump start your fab-ab diet? Our first week requires you to incorporate these two belly-slimming tips: Add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds to your daily menu. | | | |
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 | Easy meals low in cost, cooking time and calories | Think healthy eating is expensive and time consuming? TODAY nutrition expert Joy Bauer begs to differ. Here, she shares simple recipes that are low in "the three Cs": cost, cooking time and calories. The recipes:*All stats are for one servingBreakfast smoothieCost: $1. | | |
|  | 4 easy ways to add a little fun into your workouts | Even if you're the most dedicated workout person, it can be hard to get going some days. Maybe you didn't get enough sleep last night. Maybe you are stressed out over work or would simply rather spend the time doing something else...or nothing. Problem is, every time you skip a workout, you make it easier to ditch the next one. Before you know it, you've given up completely and gained 10 pounds. | | |
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LATEST NEWS | Dry brushing can help banish winter skin: Here's how to do it Read More > | Super Bowl snack showdown: Deviled eggs, lobster chowder, more Read More > | 1/31 & 2/1: Wrangler, #CurlPower, #StartTODAY Read More > | Park workers clear path so elderly man can reach his wife's memorial Read More > | |
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