Dear Developers, I am Ruchir Aswal from the txtWeb team and I am your Developer Community Manager. I am blown away by the great apps created by you and have seen firsthand how awesome you are. I am extremely thankful to have such a talented and strong community of developers who are committed to txtWeb. 2014 has been a brilliant year on the platform, so join me now to relive the highlights and milestones from the year with #txtWebRewind. - We reached a super 1 billion user requests and launched into partnerships with Airtel, Vodafone and Aircel.
- We created group API because we got a lot of requests from developers & users also enjoyed apps that enabled them to share content with and stay in touch with their buddies.
- I hope that you have had a chance to try the new mobile site and have created your first app through your mobile
- The 51115 Rewards Program was launched and we were delighted by the superior apps that were created as a result!
This year, we saw heaps of innovation from you. - One of our star developers created the REST Based PULL API, which was fantastic.
- For every challenge we put out there- whether it was the Diwali, txtBrahma, build your 1st app, Rock the Vote, Go for Goal Contest, etc. You created apps that were so innovative that every time without fail, we had to up the rewards because each app was just awesome.
- The amount of effort, excellence and hard work put into your apps was phenomenal!
Our developers also made quite a splash in the Press this year. - Many of you were interviewed by local and national newspapers.
- Our campaign to find new developers was also incredibly successful and it was built on the experiences of fantastic developers like you giving your time to help new developers in Developer Group on Facebook.
- We were featured by all the major national dailies and magazines
You make the platform the success it is today and we hope to reach new heights with you in 2015! Share your favorite txtWeb Memory with #txtWebRewind on Facebook & Twitter! Thanks for the great year, we at the txtWeb team wish you and your family a super new year! Best Regards, Ruchir Aswal Product Manager Developer Community txtWeb |