We hope you've had a great May, enjoyed the cricket and election excitements and have continued to create awesome apps on the platform! We have had a busy month on the platform, as many of you know we reached 1 billion user requests. Thank you again for all your hard work that has made txtWeb the super platform it is today! Let's get right to the latest updates…
51115 March Winners
The 51115 Rewards Program has been on for almost 3 months now and we are really impressed by the great quality of apps that you guys continue to create! Time for a quick round-up of some of the winners from March.
Congratulations to:

You guys continue to inspire many new developers on the platform. It has also come to our notice that many of the developers have used unfair means to garner hits. In the interest of fairness, they have been disqualified. Let's keep the program fair for all!
Let's Have a Great 51115 Rewards Program!
Keeping fairness as our top priority, starting in June, there will be some changes in the 51115 Program. Like the Fan Favorites Category, only new users will be considered for Bright and Shiny. The second change: Once Fan Favorite Winning Apps are declared, these apps will not be considered eligible for the following 3 months. Thank you guys for your invaluable feedback on the program! We will continue to improve it. Check out the new rules here.
txtWeb in the Press
This month millions of kids were waiting for the 10th and 12th Board Results. Sachin Uppin's apps @cbse10 , @cbse12, @icse and @isc garnered a lot of appreciation from the press and we are looking forward to more coverage. You can check out an article about @cbse12 & @cbse10 here.
Cyril Jose was also interviewed by The Hindu's Business Line about his stellar contributions to the platform.
Looking for Summer CAs
Are you looking to make the best of your Summer Vacation? We are looking for Campus Ambassadors to host events and programs in the month of June. If you have an idea or would like to volunteer to be a CA, do contact us at admin@txtWeb.com
Let's continue the great work in June!
Happy txtWebbing!
Team txtWeb