The difficult is easy, and effort feels good.Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
You enjoy being focused on a particular task, while not letting up nor giving in. While you may attract struggles into your life at this time, a friend can help mediate any difficulties that you experience. On the other hand, you may feel separation and distance from others since it can be difficult to find points of agreement. Happiness comes from being deliberate and thorough.
Love forecast
There is pleasure in familiar desires that have a dependable outcome. You enjoy being focused on what or whom you want to the exclusion of all else, and you tend to latch on to one person rather than mix with a variety of people when socializing. It is possible that someone inhibits you, and you may need a lot of coaxing to give what you have.
Money forecast Sharing work with others can be a strain, and you are more likely to doubt motives. Partnerships can require a commitment that limits your actions, especially if you like to bend the rules on occasion. You impress others with a no-nonsense attitude for what you want, and there is value in working hard for a very specific outcome.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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