Pleasure is not within things but in ourselves.
Richard Wagner Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Intent on pleasing yourself today, you often do whatever it takes to find satisfaction. Though you may seek the company of someone you like, differences in what you each desire can create disharmony. Accommodating others-while being true to yourself-is sometimes an issue now. Being appreciated is important; yet happiness sought outside yourself can escape you. Look within and express the joy that is yours.
Love forecast
You enjoy being the center of attention, and you have a strong desire to be loved on your terms. While someone can give you a lot of affection, you may not respond in kind since you like having it all to yourself. Generally there is a lot of warmth today, and any friction can bring you closer to a partner, especially if each of you gives as well as receives.
Money forecast Associates may draw you into agreements that may conflict with what you want or think is best. Compromises offered may seem unsatisfactory. On the other hand, you may assert your will or hold a particular viewpoint, which can irritate others. You possibly experience the challenge to please others and satisfy your ego at the same time.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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