Feeling dehydrated is terrible any time of year. It can be easy to forget about when the weather's cooler, but that doesn't mean you don't need to make sure you're keeping your whistle wet. The good news is that there's no mysterious secret to figuring out whether you're hydrated enough — your body will tell you. Namely, your skin. If your skin is hydrated, it will appear doughy. If you're dehydrated, your skin will lack elasticity and won't bounce back. "If you pinch your skin and it appears thin and doesn't melt back onto your body quickly, you're dehydrated,"Dr. Laura Goldberg, pediatric sports medicine specialist in the Division of Sports Medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, told TODAY. So, if you're not sure whether you need another glass of water, give yourself a little pinch. If your skin doesn't bounce right back, it's time to hydrate! |