Thursday 21 November 2013

The Sun Enters Adventurous Sagittarius!

monthly highlights



** Free Readings!: Sexual Soul Mates Reading, Chinese Luck, Prosperity & Longevity Reading, Destiny Reading
** Informative Features!: Venus in Capricorn: Taking Love to New Levels, Fall Family Feasts, Money Management: Budgeting by the Signs
** Your Starcast for November 21 - December 20
** AstroLesson: Create Your Own Luck During Jupiter's Retrograde Period

November 21: The Sun Enters Adventurous Sagittarius!

As the Sun lights up optimistic Sagittarius over the next four-plus weeks, place your faith in the future and invest in your dreams -- this is no time for small ideas! This transit will help you gain a big-picture view of your life, enabling you to appreciate not only how far you've come, but also plan out how you'll get where you want to go. Use this time to broaden your horizons: meet new people, travel to new places, do things you've never done before. Are you ready for success? Take advantage of this active transit by breaking out of old routines. A fresh perspective will give you what you need to achieve your lofty goals!

Turn the heat up with your partner with a free sample Sexual Soul Mates Reading!

Try a free sample Chinese Luck, Prosperity & Longevity Reading to reveal where these three great blessings appear in your life!

Reveal a portrait of your soul's true intention and let the power of destiny bring your future into focus with a free sample Destiny Reading!

Earlier this month, the planet of love entered the sign of practicality for a four-month stay! How will your relationship fare? Venus Enters Capricorn: Taking Love to New Levels has all you need to know!

Thanksgiving is on the way! If you're looking for hints on how to make your upcoming get-together extra-special, Fall Family Feasts offers a wealth of sign-by-sign guidance!

And with the most wonderful spending time of the year almost upon us as well, we could all use a cosmic refresher course on how to keep our personal finances in order! Read Money Management: Budgeting by the Signs for more.

Happy birthday to all you Sagittarius readers! Your enthusiasm inspires the rest of us to reach for the stars!

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Your Starcast for November 21 - December 20

Follow The Stars This Week for invaluable insight into how the cosmos affects your weekly life!

November 21: The Sun enters Sagittarius
As the Sun leaves intense Scorpio and heads into the restless sign of Sagittarius, you're ready to spread your wings and break free from limiting circumstances and domineering people. This is the perfect time to travel somewhere you've never been, or perhaps open your mind to ideas you've previously dismissed. Whatever you do, leave any old snoozy habits behind, get out of familiar environments, and open up your world. As the Sun travels though this optimistic sign for the next month, practice being a glass-is-half-full type of person as you embrace all the good things coming your way!

November 24: The Sun squares Neptune
The Sun's recent entrance into enthusiastic Sagittarius has helped you move ahead confidently. But now, with the Sun's contact to Neptune, you'll need to pay extra attention to your environment and the people with whom you come into contact; indeed, not everything is as it seems. Take time to figure out where you're going and what you want. If you can find a quiet place to reduce distractions, you'll be able to hear the whisperings of your soul and the wisdom of your intuition.

November 25: Mercury conjuncts Saturn
You may feel weary from spending so much time talking and thinking about the same subject -- a long, drawn-out conversation that's attributable to Mercury's recent retrograde -- but a plan is now ready to finally fall into place! While the communication planet is now direct, its conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio marks the third time in this series that these two planets have joined together. Now you can take a solid, workable plan and move forward with it!

November 27: Mercury sextiles Venus and trines Jupiter
If you've done your homework on the Mercury-Saturn conjunction of two days ago, you'll now be rewarded with opportunities! Indeed, influential people are now willing to listen to your ideas and help you implement them. This is a good time to be around others, so accept any and all invitations to events and parties where new conversations will bring fresh perspectives. Keep in mind that while you have a lot to say right now, so does everyone else -- so make sure you listen as much as you speak.

November 28: Venus opposes Jupiter
Venus represents the way you relate to people in a personal way; philosophical Jupiter symbolizes a larger social conversation that's taking place. When Venus is in Capricorn, a serious Earth sign, practical considerations spring to the forefront of your mind. Jupiter in Cancer, meanwhile, shines a light on feelings and family considerations. For example, you may love someone, but still wonder if they'll fit into your family life. Or, you may realize that you and a good friend or family member are at opposite ends of the philosophical or social spectrum. This is a good opportunity to stand back and assess the similarities and differences between yourself and those you love.

November 30: The Sun trines Uranus
The Sun in optimistic Sagittarius and Uranus in bold Aries provide an environment that favors those who are willing to take a risk -- this is no time to hold back! Support comes from independent, innovative people who are willing to help you make changes that enhance your life and open up your world. Use this time to break out of old patterns as you embrace your future!

December 2: New Moon in Sagittarius
The symbol for Sagittarius is the half-man / half-horse centaur, who shoots his arrow toward the stars and, once it hits its target, retrieves it to take aim once again. Like this archer, if you can be adaptable as you pursue your goals, you'll do well during a lunar cycle that begins with this new Moon, culminates with a full Moon on December 17, and comes full circle just before the next new Moon arrives in Capricorn on January 1, 2014. Throughout December, make sure you revise your beliefs and worldview to accurately reflect the person you are today -- this is an excellent time to leave your past in the rear view mirror!

December 4: Mercury enters Sagittarius
December 6: Mercury squares Neptune
As the communication planet, Mercury, enters outspoken and enthusiastic Sagittarius, you're ready to tell everyone just what's on your mind! However, be sure to think before you speak during this transit -- this is a time that's infamous for people making statements that are immediately followed by retractions. Also, keep in mind that conversations can become muddy once Mercury encounters imaginative Neptune, when trying to uncover the truth could be like hunting for a needle in a haystack! People have secrets, and you may have a few of your own. Have the conversation you want to have, but just realize that not everything will be revealed quite yet.

December 7: Mars enters Libra
You're about to embark on a relationship journey that will have many twists and turns along the way. Mars will spend an unusually long time in Libra due to its upcoming retrograde period, set to last March 1 - May 20, 2014. Pace yourself and, most importantly, take time to assess your relationships (romantic and otherwise). What's working? What could improve? Try to leave as much room for others as you'd like others to leave for you, for by the time next summer arrives, everyone's nerves will be frayed. In the meantime, can you cut loose destructive relationships and invest in healthier ones? Are you able to listen as well as you speak? If so, it's likely you won't get too pushy about your own agenda. And if you can take a stand when necessary, you'll discover exactly what you're made of. Hopefully you'll pass through this period -- even if you emerge a bit weary on the other side -- knowing you've made good choices that will help you in the long run.

December 10: The Sun quincunxes Jupiter
The Sun in Sagittarius is restless and ready to try something new. Jupiter in Cancer is protective, emotional, and security-conscious. Sagittarius dwells in dreams of distant lands; Cancer is a homebody. With this aspect, you may feel as if you're inhabiting two completely different universes, out of sync with your environment and other people. This is a time that calls for adjustments. Nobody will get everything they want now, so do your best to accommodate those with significantly different views.

December 12: Jupiter trines Saturn
Jupiter and Saturn rule social trends, and when they're in harmony with one another, you can often find people who'll support your projects, plans, and ideas. Take advantage of this time by utilizing any assistance offered and opportunities presented. Since both of these planets are in Water signs (Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio), allow your emotions and passions to help you connect with others. Just keep in mind that this trine takes place against the backdrop of difficult planetary patterns, so don't expect everything to be rosy! You'll need to act smartly and strategically to make the best use of this trine's benefits.

December 13: Mars quincunxes Neptune
Not everything is as it seems as action planet Mars encounters nebulous Neptune. Slow down and get your bearings so you can make wise decisions about your next move. Mars in Libra is focused on relationships, while Neptune in Pisces is impersonal and mysterious. Sometimes, the more some people talk, the more confusing they become, for as soon as you think you've got someone or something handled, they may just slip through your fingers! This aspect demonstrates how baffling certain circumstances and people can be, so do yourself a favor and don't try to figure them out now.

December 17: Full Moon in Gemini
Just when you thought life might calm down, this information-loaded full Moon also sees Uranus turn retrograde, bringing unexpected news that will prompt you to take a second look at your plans. Although you may feel overwhelmed by the rapid pace of this week, it can also move you out of situations that have become stale or outmoded. People are extra-emotional now, and much of what they say is contradictory. What should you do? Slow down and carefully review all your scraps of data. Once you see the whole picture for what it is, you'll know what to do. Until then, don't overreact!

December 17: Uranus turns direct
Each year, Uranus turns retrograde and then, months later, direct. During these changes in direction, conditions are unpredictable and occasionally explosive. It's like everything that's been getting ready to change, does -- and quickly! The best way to handle this dynamic energy is to be ready for it. Think of the areas of your life you'd like to change, then open yourself to how these improvements can manifest. Still, take care to not be impulsive or careless; instead, remain thoughtful so you can handle this time with grace as you look down the road ahead. If you can be flexible, you'll encounter wonderful opportunities and experiences.

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Sagittarius!


AstroLesson: Create Your Own Luck During Jupiter's Retrograde Period

Jupiter, Sagittarius' ruling planet, began its four-month retrograde on November 6, signaling a terrific time to create your own luck!

Since Jupiter represents expansion and is currently residing in security-focused Cancer, think of this placement as being a big mama bear. If you're her cub, this is good news ... and if you aren't, you may view her protectiveness as excessive.

Is it possible to be too security-focused? Just ask Edward Snowden, leaker of classified National Security Agency mass surveillance programs! Ever since Jupiter entered Cancer on June 26, all issues concerning Cancerian themes such as safety, security, home, and family have required a great deal of your attention and investment. Hopefully you've used the last five months to add to your nest egg, spend more time with your family, and fix up your living space.

Now, with Jupiter's retrograde, it's time to stop piling on the activities. You have enough to do already! You can expect certain projects or plans you thought were moving forward to lose momentum, while you may find others put on hold.

Don't fret, though! Simply invest in where you are rather than take on anything new. You'll create luck during this period if you're willing to scale back. Make every investment of money, time, and energy count!

Once Jupiter turns direct on March 6, you'll have a much better sense of what you can do with what you have. Plus, you'll be prepared and ready to take advantage of every single opportunity that comes your way!


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