Thursday 22 August 2013

The Sun Enters Analytical Virgo!

monthly highlights
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** Free Readings!: Romantic Compatibility Reading, Compatibility and Conflict Reading, Friends and Lovers Reading
** Informative Features!: Sun Enters Virgo: Purification and Process, How To Communicate with Him, Your Baby's Eating Habits ... by Moon Sign
** Your Starcast for August 22 - September 21
** AstroLesson: Put Uranus to Work for You!

August 22: The Sun Enters Analytical Virgo!

Now that the drama that so often accompanies the Sun's transit through Leo is in the past, it's time to put your common sense to work as the Sun enters earthy Virgo! Now is the time to focus on the most practical things you can do to achieve your goals. Whether you need to finish some paperwork to move a project forward or conduct research before writing your next blog post, you'll want to pay closer attention to details. If you've been wanting to begin a healthy eating regimen or get a fitness plan together, you have plenty of traction now, for Virgo is a health-oriented sign. Give 100 percent until the Sun leaves Virgo on September 22 -- you'll be amazed by what you can accomplish!

Get your burning love and romance questions answered with a free sample Romantic Compatibility Reading!

Learn how to dodge the rough spots of your relationship and embrace the love with a free sample Compatibility and Conflict Reading!

Order a free sample Friends and Lovers Reading to gain a whole new perspective of your partner and relationship!

The time to sift through everything extraneous and inessential has come -- today! Read Sun Enters Virgo: Purification and Process for more!

If you can speak to your man's particular style of communication, you can effectively get your message across. Learn more with How To Communicate with Him!

Looking for help with getting your youngster to settle down at mealtime? Our helpful feature Your Baby's Eating Habits ... by Moon Sign could make your life easier!

Happy birthday to all you Virgo readers! You inspire us with your hard work and dedication!

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Your Starcast for August 22 - September 22

Follow The Stars This Week for invaluable insight into how the cosmos affect your weekly life!

August 22: The Sun enters Virgo
As the Sun leaves showy Leo and enters sensible Virgo, you're ready to get serious about your goals! Earthy Virgo represents a smart blend of idealism and practicality, which is why so many entrepreneurs are born under this sign. If you can take steps to eliminate as many distractions as possible, you'll be able to get more done now than you have all year! Whether you want to find a new job, save money, or write a novel, tap into the work ethic of the Sun's transit through this diligent sign to make significant headway. The Sun will be in Virgo until September 22.

August 23: Mercury enters Virgo
August 25: Mercury opposes Neptune
If it weren't for Mercury's opposition to Neptune immediately after its entrance into Virgo, your mind would be crystal-clear! However, Virgo's quest for perfection will need to be put on hold while you harness the imaginative powers of Neptune for several days. Now is a wonderful time to brainstorm and dream up new solutions to long-standing problems. The more creatively you think, the more you'll accomplish. Your logical mind will return later in the week, at which point you'll be able cross your T's and dot your I's. Mercury will remain in Virgo through September 8.
August 26: The Sun opposes Neptune
As the practical Sun in Virgo receives a message from Neptune, you're asked to use your imagination as well as your analytical mind. This opposition takes place midway in Neptune's retrograde cycle, giving you the perfect opportunity to stand back and take stock of your goals and dreams. How far have you come? What needs to happen to further your progress? Use this time to weed out fantasies, for they hold you back from attaining what you really want.

August 27: Mars enters Leo
Take decisive action as action planet Mars leaves emotional Cancer and enters this bold Fire sign! Whether you're the head of a business or a family, confidence in your abilities will help you succeed now. (And if you have to, don't be afraid to fake it 'til you make it!) This is a wonderful time to advance your goals. If you're keenly aware of others' ego sensitivities and treat people the way you hope to be treated, you'll make your mark during this transit, which lasts until October 15.

August 29: The Sun sextiles Saturn
September 1: The Sun trines Pluto
As the Virgo Sun connects to this powerful duo, your circumstances improve and you get plenty of opportunities to showcase your talents! People in positions of power are bound to like what they see -- just be sure to show your willingness to work hard and demonstrate your attention to detail. Also remember that if you're willing to let go of old doubts and take a simple leap of faith, people will be more likely to invest in you!
September 3: The Sun quincunxes Uranus
The Virgo Sun is practical and possesses an eye for detail; Uranus in Aries is bold and impulsive. No matter how well you prepare, disruptions and surprises can cause you to alter your plans, so if life throws you a curveball, it's time to implement a back-up plan. Whatever you do, don't sweat the small stuff -- just make the necessary adjustments and keep your eye on the ball!

September 5: New Moon in Virgo
A new Moon is always a wonderful time to start something fresh, or perhaps begin the next phase of a project you've already started. Take an opportunity to infuse your projects, dreams, and goals with Virgo's practicality to make more progress this week than you have in awhile! Helpful aspects from Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto give you extra energy, stamina, and enthusiasm. At the next full Moon (which takes place in Pisces on September 19), you'll have a chance to stand back and assess your progress. Until then, it's full speed ahead!

September 7: The Sun sextiles Jupiter
This pairing brings opportunities, and plenty of people are willing to help you -- all you need to do is take advantage of what they have to offer! Jupiter in Cancer is like having a big Mama Bear benefactor in your corner, so if you've been working hard, she'll reward you. Use this time to further your goals!
September 9: Mercury enters Libra
It's time to resolve recent conflicts, arguments, and misunderstandings as the communication planet, Mercury, enters Libra, a sign that wants everyone to get along. With so much turmoil going on these days, the world could use a few people who are willing to make amends, apologize, and extend an olive branch. This is a wonderful time to get together with friends, attend fun events, or even hire a matchmaker! After all, Libra is all about togetherness. Since Mercury will turn retrograde in intense Scorpio next month, take advantage now of Mercury's transit through Libra, set to last until September 29.

September 9: Mars squares Saturn
September 10: Mars quincunxes Pluto
Not everyone is on their best behavior this week, so you'll want to watch out for people with a short fuse, as well as for bullies who love to cause trouble. Mars is in Leo, a sign known for creating drama. Saturn, meanwhile, is a taskmaster and, in Scorpio, is fully in charge. However, Pluto in ambitious Capricorn is the top dog and has a few tricks up its sleeve, so charm offensives won't work! Given all this activity, you'll want to strategize and keep your cards close to your chest. With projects and plans delayed, let go of anything that isn't working as you employ workarounds for everything else.

September 10: Venus enters Scorpio
On a good day, Venus in Scorpio brings passion and depth to your relationships. On a moody day, Venus becomes hyper-secretive, and you may find yourself wondering if people are actually sharing everything they know as you look for an authentic, profound connection. Are you hoping to find a soul mate? If you can get rid of the players who won't commit, the odds are strong you'll find love in the most unlikely places! Venus will be in Scorpio until October 7.

September 18: Venus and Saturn conjunct the north node
Could you use an influential person in your corner? As Venus and Saturn join the north node in Scorpio, powerful people with nerves of steel are available to help you. These individuals may not be the nurturing type, but they certainly know what they're doing -- and they'll help you plan for your future! At the same time, if you can be a role model or mentor to someone else, step up. This is a day made for those who are ready to do something important!

September 19: Full Moon in Pisces
Full Moons, especially in sensitive Pisces, are well-known for their power to strengthen emotions, as even the most logical folks among us can't escape the feelings that arise at these times! Add intense Pluto's change of direction to all this activity, and you have a potent mixture of energies that may leave you feeling overwhelmed. But, don't fret! Instead, use this time to sit quietly, reflect, and regroup. Smell the roses, write in your journal, listen to music, or take a walk in nature -- and through it all, simply breathe!

September 20: Pluto turns direct
Are you ready to invest in your future? On April 12, powerful Pluto turned retrograde, when hopefully you learned the value of letting certain things in your life go so you could take advantage of new opportunities. Now, Pluto turns direct, and it's time to hone in on a plan. Don't be impulsive, though, as whenever Pluto changes direction, everything becomes much more intense. Wait until some of the dust settles and your ideas gel, for within the next few weeks, a plan will emerge that feels perfect!

September 20: Saturn sextiles Pluto
If you've been hoping to meet influential people who could make a big difference in your life, the wait is over! This beneficial aspect brings powerful individuals who are willing and able to help you. While these times in general are not the calmest, this aspect will provide you with plenty of opportunities ... so make sure you do something with them!

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Virgo!

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AstroLesson: Put Uranus to Work for You!

There are times in life when patience is your friend and slow progress brings the most benefits. But when Uranus is highlighted -- as it is right now -- you stand to help yourself the most by taking risks and making major changes! Uranus' current transit through Aries, a very bold Fire sign, signals that it's time to pay close attention to any areas of your life that could use some refreshing. Uranus is often called the "Awakener." This rebellious planet is like a cosmic alarm clock reminding you to move away from your sleepy routines as you embrace ideas, people, and environments that could open up your life in exciting and creative ways. Take this opportunity to explore new pathways and let go of old habits! If you're familiar with your birth chart, examine the house through which Uranus is transiting. Is it in the first house, giving you an opportunity to start a new chapter? Is it in the fourth house, giving you an itch to move, or perhaps change your home environment? Is Uranus transiting through your seventh house, shaking up your relationships and pushing you to be more independent? No matter where this unorthodox planet is transiting, you now have a wonderful opportunity to re-invent yourself. What inspires you? Begin there -- and move forth with purpose!


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