Now that the Moon is transiting through the sixth sign of the zodiac today and tomorrow, be more attentive to the little things in life. Small is beautiful becomes your motto. Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, is making news of its own by entering fiery Leo (5:14AM). This can give you a boost as a charismatic leader in almost any major field of endeavor. Mercury will continue to gain in daily speed until it reaches around 2 degrees per day a week from now. [Mercury remains in Leo until August 23 when it, too, enters Virgo.] On-and-off love and business vibes enter the scene this morning with a huge plus at 10:35AM when the Moon parallels Venus and a major minus at 11:09AM when Venus makes an abrasive, 45-degree tie with Saturn. Trying to solve too many interpersonal problems right now can create mental stress as Juno forms an off-kilter, 150-degree link with Pallas (2:49PM). Under the auspices of Virgo Moon, it is wise to focus on health, dietary and nutritional issues. Stock up on cereals, grains, veggies, fruit, tea, herbs, vitamins, nuts, seeds and seasonings. Consider having a massage, reflexology session or whirlpool treatment tonight as the Moon forms a polarity to Chiron (9:13PM). (Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.)