Those daily walks you take with your dog can lower the risk of dementia for both of you — with recent studies offering a fascinating glimpse into the parallels between human and canine health.
Dogs develop dementia just like people do. But when researchers analyzed data for more than 15,000 dogs, one of the greatest risk factors for canine dementia — second only to age — was lack of exercise.
Among dogs of the same age, health status and breed type, the odds of dementia were six times higher in dogs that were not active compared to those who were very active, the study found.
A separate study found people who walk 10,000 steps a day can cut the risk of dementia in half.
"One very simple lesson is: Take your dog for more walks… it would be good for you and your dog," says Matt Kaeberlein, study co-author and co-director of the Dog Aging Project at the University of Washington.
Tap the link to discover dementia symptoms in dogs and why exercise is so good for the canine and human brain.