You demonstrate unusual and insightful thinking.Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
You are more willing to look at what is different and to appreciate new perspectives, although sometimes you are unbending in your viewpoint, separating you from the crowd. Many changes may take place now that keep you on your toes and keep others guessing. Unusual interactions occur today, and you can present uncharacteristic ideas that surprise people.
Love forecast
It is a good day to make an unexpected connection with someone, and you are up for trying something new, or at least thinking about it. You do well meeting others in someplace out of the way or different from your usual preferences. Sometimes you surprise, even shock, those around you with what you say, and you show a sharp mind and a quick tongue.
Money forecast Unexpected information can affect you today, and you can get involved with business that is different or unusual. You show an active mind that is capable of grasping new ideas, although there is a tendency to jump to conclusions before all the facts are available. Being a quick learner now, you can troubleshoot a problem or a project with a minimum of knowledge~maybe even bluff your way through. Your intuition is often on target on any deal that is presented.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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