Feeling unmotivated to work out after the Thanksgiving holiday? It can be hard to get moving again when you've taken a few days off! I'm here to help you get up and going again.
Try the wildly popular 50% rule that I use for my private clients over the holidays. Planned to walk 20 minutes? Cut it in half, and walk for 10! Planned to do your stretches every day this week? Cut it in half and stretch just 3 to 4 days a week. Make your new goal 50% of your original goal so that it doesn't feel so daunting.
Once you've tasted a little bit of success, you may feel motivated to return to your original goals. That's great! Just remember to keep your goals where you can reach them so you don't end up discouraged. Having a fun fitness routine that doesn't feel like a chore will help you breeze through the holidays with less stress and a sense of accomplishment!
See you walking,