The natural rhythm of human life is routine punctuated by orgies.
Aldous Huxley Dear tnia541.gogo,
Personal forecast
Ready to enjoy yourself, you may have trouble resisting whatever attracts your interest now. You give-and give in-easily. People may take advantage of your generosity; wishing to please others may cause you to indulge them. Being with friends, however, can also make you aware just how much abundance you have- and have to offer. To realize what you love helps you trust in the goodness of life no matter the circumstances.
Love forecast
Someone helps you to see all that you have to offer whether he or she wants to receive it or not. You greatly enjoy the pleasure that comes from being with others. Sometimes you exceed your limits, especially when attracted by what you like. Still, it is an excellent day to meet people who bring out all the goodness within you. Recognize the shared happiness that draws you closer to a partner as distinct from short-term satisfaction that leaves you wondering if there is anything more.
Money forecast Exaggerated claims made by others can appeal to you, and you may overstate your own position. Agreements made now often appear favorable, but tend to drain your resources, if attention to detail is lacking. Be wary of inflated costs in all transactions. Try to see behind the appearances to the substance of whatever you pursue now, as you possibly have difficulty resisting the allure of a good sales job. At the same time, be cautious of trying to push insubstantial value onto others.
A lifetime of thanks,
Your friends at TFM
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