Friday 31 January 2014

txtWeb in Jan: Awards, Airtel and Announcements!


Hey Developers!


2014 has started with a bang, January has been a super month on the platform and we’d like to share the exciting updates with you, let’s get to it…


txtWeb wins the Aegis Graham Bell Award!


Turns out everyone loves txtWeb as much as our developers and users do! We’ve been awarded the prestigious Aegis Graham Bell Award for the Most Innovative Mobile Product! We’d like to thank all our developers for their tireless hard work in making the platform incredible! Check out all the details in our blog.


We’re going to be live on Airtel Soon!


Great News, right?  We’ll be on shortcode on Airtel in a couple of weeks! That means there will be a lot more people using your awesome apps on 51115 and you’ll earn even more than before! Now more than ever, is the time to get out there and keep creating those awesome apps!


SMS App Challenge in Kochi!


One of our awesome developers, Jomin George is helping us organize a SMS App Building Challenge in Kochi. Developers in Kerala, do keep an eye out for this event at Tech Festival Fugeniz and we hope to see you there!


Developers in other cities who are interested in spreading their knowledge and letting more budding techies know about txtWeb, just mail us at with an event idea. We’ll take a look at your proposal and if we’re in your city, we’ll do our best to see your suggested event come about.


A New Announcements Section


There’s a new feature on our website that allows you to get the newest happenings and updates on txtWeb every time you sign into your developer account. So next time, you check out your developer account, you can go to your dashboard and get all the latest news right there.


Wow, that was a great round up of events in January! Keep txtWebbing and creating those fantastic apps in 2014! Stay Tuned for More Updates!


Best Regards

Team txtWeb


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:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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