There are several customs that say that if two people say the same word at the same time, they may each make a wish. There are several ways it can be done.
Hook little fingers with each other and say: 'Smokes goes in, Smoke goes out. Smoke goes up the chimney spout.'
Hook little fingers with each other and say: First Person: 'What goes up the chimney?' Second Person: 'Smoke.' Both together: 'May your wish and my wish never be broken.'
An alternative custom is for one person to call out a word that the other must answer with a term that is closely associated with it, such as 'cup' and 'saucer;' 'table' and 'chair;' or 'cow' and 'milk.')
If you and another person say the same thing at the same time, you should each make a wish; then, don't speak until you see a mail truck.
An alternative to the above is not to speak until you see a mailbox. This might happen sooner than seeing a truck, depending on where you live. (Connecticut)