Welcome to the club — and the October walking challenge! This month, we've designed a workout plan that focuses on walking, strength training and stretching. Start TODAY is a community of over 100,000 members across the country who are all committed to getting healthy — together! We're so glad you're here. |
Make bad choice today? How you look at it can make all the difference. "The all-or-nothing mentality is really not helpful when it comes to consistently showing up for yourself with your fitness and healthy eating," said trainer Stephanie Mansour. This mentality causes you to use one unhealthy choice as fuel to make more unhealthy choices. "I encourage you to view each choice as independent of the other. If you ate an unhealthy breakfast or didn't get your walk in today and feel like the whole day is shot, try to re-frame that and think: 'OK, what else can I do today? What is still in my control? Can I have an extra glass of water? Can I try to have an extra vegetable with dinner? Can I do some stretches before bed?' How else can you make healthier decisions even after you feel like you might have made a bunch of unhealthy decisions?" |