ASTROLOGY.COM'S MONTHLY HIGHLIGHTS: AQUARIUS IN THIS EDITION: ** Free Readings!: 2014 Love Forecast, New You In the New Year Reading, Day-by-Day Forecast ** Informative Features!: Exercise By the Moon: Best Fitness Routines in 2014!, Your Career in 2014 -- According to the Cosmos!, Which Stars will Shine Brightest in 2014? ** Your Starcast for January 20 - February 17 ** AstroLesson: How Does the Current Grand Cross Affect You? January 20: The Sun Enters Independent Aquarius! No matter how hard you work to get ahead or meet your goals, other people will have a significant say in determining whether or not you succeed; in fact, they're often the angels and supporters who'll join in your life's vision. As the Sun travels through the group-focused sign of Aquarius, make an effort to strengthen your friendships and ensure you're a solid team player. Although the sign of the Water Bearer celebrates the independent spirit, it's also the realm of the zodiac that's most at home in the company of others. The Sun will remain in Aquarius until February 18. Rev up your romance, discover your sensual strengths, and find tempting times to pursue passion with a free sample 2014 Love Forecast! Be the best you can be in 2014! Get started on your journey with a free sample New You In the New Year Reading! Try a free sample Day-by-Day Forecast to understand the impact of astrological influences upon you! Whether you're a fitness fanatic or haven't gotten off your couch in years, Exercise By the Moon: Best Fitness Routines in 2014! can help you figure out not just when to begin a new regimen, but also the best type of routine -- based on lunar energy! Read Your Career in 2014 -- According to the Cosmos! to take best advantage of new professional opportunities that come your way! 2014's astrological cycles should provide plenty of celebrity drama -- and Which Stars will Shine Brightest in 2014? has the lowdown! Happy birthday to all you Aquarius readers! You inspire us with your strong commitment to remain true to yourself -- and your willingness to be a reliable friend! | Confusing or Recurring Dreams? | Are your dreams trying to tell you something? Find out what they mean with a Dream Reading. New customers enjoy 3 free minutes -- call 800-653-9580. | Your Starcast for January 20 - February 17 Follow The Stars This Week for invaluable insight into how the cosmos affects your weekly life! January 20: The Sun enters Aquarius You've experienced many changes over the last year, and as the Sun leaves ambitious, practical Capricorn and enters independent Aquarius, you're ready to leave the past behind, encounter new and interesting people, and embrace fresh ideas. It's time to invest in your goals and embrace what this innovative sign has to offer. Since Aquarius is the sign of groups and teamwork, don't try to do everything all by yourself. Instead, join forces with like-minded people -- it's time to find and connect with a new community. The Sun will remain in Aquarius until February 18. January 22: The Sun squares the north node and south node The Sun squares the nodal axis twice each year, reminding you to keep your larger vision on your radar as you deal with daily life concerns. The Sun in Aquarius shines a bright light on your need to break free from confining situations as you endeavor to be true to yourself. The north node in Scorpio asks you to take a risk by working with others on joint projects; on the other hand, the Taurus south node prefers that you do things how you've always done them. So, should you work with others or stay with your tried-and-true method? This aspect tells you to hitch your wagon to the north node and open your mind to new ideas and people, so do all you can to work with others for the best results! January 24: Mercury trines Mars January 25: Mercury squares Saturn Even though you've hit a Saturn-caused speed bump in your conversations, don't let that stop you from getting your ideas out into the world! Just make sure you have all your facts straight, as you're sure to be questioned. This is a day filled with communication, as it seems as if everyone has something to say! If you listen to others as well as do your own talking, your plans and projects will get a boost as others go out of their way to help you! January 30: New Moon in Aquarius Get ready for a hardworking year ahead as this new Moon marks the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Horse! And, since Aquarius is a sign that loves teamwork, it's a great time to invite others to help you reach your goals. Make sure you return the favor and invest your energy in group projects that make others' lives better. Spend more time with good friends -- they can help you succeed. As with all new Moons, you now have an opportunity to make a fresh start, so whatever you do, make a strong effort to pursue something, whether it's a goal, job, or relationship! January 31: Jupiter opposes Pluto Jupiter, currently retrograde in Cancer, is forming the second of three oppositions to powerful Pluto in ambitious Capricorn. Last August, when these two planets connected for the first time, you needed to find a healthy balance between your personal life and your professional commitments. Have you succeeded? Do you have a comfortable home, nurturing family relationships, and a solid self-care program? Invest in yourself during these next few months. By the time of the third opposition in April, your achievements will have been built on an unshakable foundation! January 31: Mercury enters Pisces Your imagination blossoms when the planet of communication enters this sensitive, psychic sign! What do you want most? Use this transit, which lasts until February 12, to focus on your goals. You'll experience the most success if you avoid distractions and spend time simply sitting quietly, writing in your journal, or walking in nature. Daydreams and night dreams hold important information for you, so pay attention! It's time to listen to the whisperings of your soul. January 31: Venus turns direct Venus entered Capricorn last November 5, then turned retrograde on December 21, so hopefully you've used these last couple months to review your commitments to others and make positive changes. You may have had to let go of certain people or revise the status of specific relationships; or, perhaps you renewed your vows or reconnected with someone from your past. Now the love planet finally turns direct -- and you are more than ready to move forward! Strengthen your relationship bonds as Venus continues its transit through Capricorn until March 5, 2014. February 6: Mercury turns retrograde Mercury's entrance into sensitive, psychic Pisces on January 31 stimulated your imagination and helped you dream up new goals. As the communication planet now turns retrograde, you'll want to stay with those ideas and nurture them. Although you're not at your most logical right now -- and this certainly isn't the best time to make decisions about your future -- your intuition is nonetheless strengthened by this transit, so trust your hunches. Mercury will re-enter Aquarius on February 12, at which point you'll return to conversations you had in January; points that you thought were understood or resolved may require a second look. Remember that when you know how to work with Mercury's retrograde period, you have the power to make your life easier. Of course, do all you can to defer important decisions until after Mercury turns direct, as retrograde periods are infamous for mistake-making. Mercury will remain retrograde until February 28. February 12: Mercury returns to Aquarius Hopefully you made good use of Mercury's entrance into independent Aquarius on January 11. Now, as the communication planet -- now retrograde -- returns to this forward-thinking sign, you have an opportunity to focus on your best ideas. You'll make the most progress if you set your emotions aside and use your logical mind. Seek out innovative, creative people to inspire you and help you develop your projects and plans. Mercury will remain in Aquarius until March 17. February 14: Full Moon in Leo Are you ready for your close-up? During this attention-grabbing full Moon, make sure you conduct yourself in a way that will make you proud. The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius ask you to take into account what's best for your friends or community, making this a perfect time to highlight a cause that's close to your heart. Whether the spotlight shines on you or others, you can plan on experiencing a bit of drama! Not only is Leo a showy sign, but full Moons have a tendency to ramp up emotions; Mercury's retrograde is also likely to highlight misunderstandings. Do your best to keep your cool and not overreact! February 15: Mercury conjuncts the Sun What will you do with your good ideas? Hopefully you'll continue to review them as retrograde Mercury returns to conjunct the Aquarius Sun. You're standing in the middle of an information bonanza, and your mind is likely working overtime as you try to figure out what to do with everything on your mind. Just be patient, as this is no time to speak carelessly or tell others about incomplete projects. Ordinarily, your ideas would get the green light once Mercury turns direct ... but not this time. Mars, the planet of action, is moving very slowly and will turn retrograde on March 1, so count on further delays. Test your ideas after Mercury turns direct on February 28, but keep in mind that right now is no time to launch big projects or other important initiatives. Enjoy the Sun's transit through Aquarius! ADVERTISEMENT AstroLesson: How Does the Current Grand Cross Affect You? As the warrior planet Mars travels though Libra (the sign that rules relationships), this hot-headed planet becomes part of a Grand Cross, one of the most powerful and unusual major planetary aspects that can occur. The other planetary players in the current Grand Cross are Jupiter in protective Cancer, Uranus in bold Aries, and Pluto in ambitious Capricorn. If you picture a four-way intersection with a broken traffic light -- and no one directing traffic! -- you have an idea of how this aspect's energy feels. Who goes first? Who waits? Is this an accident waiting to happen? Who will fix the chaotic situation? One thing is for sure: Nobody will get everything they want right now. However, your ability to advocate for your own view while respecting the desires of others will take you farthest. Of course, compromise isn't always the most appropriate action, so as you encounter your own personal intersections in the coming weeks, take time to figure out what you want -- and why. Finally, this is no time to let your temper get the best of you! Pace yourself, for this Grand Cross will rule the heavens until summer 2014. |