Hey Developers!
As we celebrate the New Year, there’s plenty to celebrate on txtWeb! Let’s give you a roundup of all the latest news!
Want more HITS on Your app?
Have a great app but don’t think it’s very visible? Send us your app name and a list of your phone contacts and we’ll promote potential apps among your buddies! Remember the more hits you get the more you’ll earn!
App a Day
Were you glued to the Developer Group on Facebook when we ran the App a Day Contest? We covered the categories of health and finance and had some stellar ideas and app suggestion emerge! Congrats to all the winners! A special HIGH FIVE to Vihang Gosavi for @wallet and Vishwa Datta for @smsmd! They each win a Gift Voucher worth 7500 INR!
App Development: A Start
Want to learn the basics or brush up on your app development skills? We’re having a webinar really soon! Contact us at admin@txtWeb.com if you’re interested. Remember you need to have basic programming knowledge to participate.
Facebook to txtWeb!
We have developed a cool feature for the New Year! It allows the comments from our Facebook page become content for our apps! Cool right? Comment here to see how it works for @NewYear!
Search Feature on txtWeb
We’ve worked really hard to bring out this new search feature making it more intelligent . Try searching for "Weather in Mumbai" or "meaning of Hydrophobia" to experience the awesomeness of the new txtWeb Search!
Those are some super updates right? Tell us which one interests you the most!
Happy New Year, may your 2014 be filled with txtWeb!
Best Regards
Team txtWeb