Dreams of impending disaster generally indicate that the dreamer is feeling out of control. In the case of the tidal wave, this out-of-control feeling is often combined with the need to make a fresh start.
A 16-year-old boy reports dreaming: I am running, trying to get away from a tidal wave before it crashes over me. Finally, I realize it is hopeless. I turn around and let the full impact of the wave crash over me. Remarkably I stand up in spite of the wave's power. When I turn back to the direction I was running, everything -- my house, my parents, my car -- it's all gone.
This youth presented numerous complaints at the outset of counseling, all of which revolved around home life and the absence of his father. Upon further inquiry, the youth admitted that he was a drug abuser with sexual identity problems. He desperately wanted a second chance, feeling as though he had undermined his own life.
Often to dream of a catastrophic event is to wish for a catharsis in real life. See Armageddon