Just before the Moon leaves void status in earthy Taurus by entering airy Gemini (12:35AM), a major asteroid -- Juno -- stops its retrograde cycle at 12:18AM and begins turning direct at 4 degrees of Aquarius. [Juno will remain in forward motion until December 15, 2014 when it will once again go retrograde at 18 degrees of Leo.] Just because Juno is the smallest of the first four asteroids discovered between 1801 and 1807 doesn't make it insignificant. As one of the great astrologers of the 20th century -- Eleanor Bach -- used to remark, smallness (a major Juno characteristic) is just as important as bigness (a key Jupiter characteristic). All Juno themes -- emotional empowerment or dis-empowerment in primary partnerships as well as marriage bonds, peace, diplomacy, fair treatment under the law, fashion, style, elegance, beauty, but also rage or terror perpetrated by the small and dispossessed as they seek to get back at their large-scale oppressors -- are emphasized. Juno is also related to atmospheric storms -- in the actual sky as well as in the psychic realm within families, neighborhoods, communities, cultures and societies. The prominence of Juno continues for this entire 24-hour time-period while the Moon in Gemini provides some lighthearted relief if you can spend several hours working on arts, crafts or hobbies. The Moon trine to the Sun (3:37AM) and in a supportive, 60-degree rapport with revelatory Uranus (10:02PM) can represent great opportunities for reading, writing, research, and studying advanced subjects. Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.