Stop, look and listen! Yesterday's Full Moon and Mercury-Jupiter square-off may be behind you, but they still carry a psychic punch today. The 48 hours after a Full Moon are a time-period for distribution of the illuminating solar-lunar vibrations just received. What may put you into a temporary blissful state of mind and heart is a comforting, 60-degree rapport from Venus to Ceres (1:03AM). However, excitement and intensity reign supreme due to the monthly Moon-Uranus union in Aries (5:21AM), Venus forming a flowing trine to Chiron in water signs (5:58AM), and -- above all -- Pluto leaving retrograde motion behind at 9 degrees of Capricorn as it stations to turn forward (8:30AM). [Pluto will remain in direct motion until April 14, 2014 when it will once again reverse itself in the zodiac at 14 degrees of Capricorn.] Throughout this entire 24-hour time-period, stay alert to the following Pluto themes -- death-and-rebirth; mysteries and secrets; regeneration; metamorphosis; spiritual willpower and mental concentration; catharsis; hypnosis; reincarnation; repressed emotions; extremes of any kind; the underworld; corruption; manipulation and controlling behavior patterns; hidden agendas; phobias. Adding to the strange twists and turns of fate are Ceres in opposition to synchronicity-ruling Chiron (12:46PM), Venus forming an off-kilter, 150-degree link to shock-master Uranus (1:54PM), and Mercury making an abrasive, 135-degree tie with hazy Neptune (5:08PM). If that isn't enough cosmic tomfoolery for you, make space for a long void lunar cycle starting at 6:26PM and lasting until 3:34PM tomorrow as well as a 60-degree and yet weighty liaison from Saturn in Scorpio to Pluto in Capricorn (10:46PM). If you are not careful, this could become one of those days when the unknown is completely running the show and you are a mere pawn on the chessboard of life. Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.